
Elefant's songs at the BBC's Festive 50

Radio legend John Peel, the most influential radio DJ in the world of radio, established many years ago an yearly list of the best 50 songs he had played on his radio show that year, and called it The Festive 50.
This year, the tradition goes ahead in spite of the sad news of Peel’s demise, and the BBC is already getting ready for a new edition of the Festive 50: a countdown that is eagerly followed by many a pop music aficionado, who are then favoured with (re)discovering excellent songs that might have passed unnoticed during the year, and have a quick look at what has been of worth in the year that’s almost over.

In the votings prior to 2005’s Festive 50 we found several songs from Elefant’s recent catalogue. Two bands have been selected, featuring two songs per band: TREMBLING BLUE STARS are in it with “The sea is so quiet” and “This is bliss”, and CAMERA OBSCURA (one of the most supported bands in John Peel’s show in the last years) participate with “I love my Jean” and “A marathon not a sprint”.


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